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Charity Summary

Charity Details

Kidscan Charitable Trust

Registration details

December 31

Address for service

PO Box 31646
7 Beatrice Tinsley Crescent

Charity's other details

09 478 1525
09 415 0674

Organisation with a focus on the following communities:


Group Members

Below are all the members of Kidscan Charitable Trust Group. Click into the individual members below to view their charity summary.

Member Charities
Kidscan Charitable Trust
The KidsCan Collective Limited

Purpose & Structure

Charitable Purpose

KidsCan strives to be the conduit for individuals, community, business and government to co-operate in providing food, clothing and basic health care in schools to enable disadvantaged children to reach their potential.

Note: The main sectors, activities and beneficiaries are bolded.

Other (please state)

(Provides Food and Clothing and Health and Hygiene Products)

Social services

Education / training / research, Health, Fund-raising, Child Welfare

Children / young people

Entity Structure

KidsCan is established as a charitable trust governed by 5 trustees including the CEO. The day to day operations are managed by the Management Team consisting of a GM of Fundraising and Marketing, the CFO, the Operations Manager and the Health for Kids Manager. There are over 70 staff members several of whom are employed on a part-time basis.

Annual Returns

Annual Returns are due within 6 months of a charity’s balance date (financial year-end), or a longer period if an extension has been granted.

Please note: This charity is a member of a Group which submits Consolidated Annual Returns. To view these Annual Returns on the Group Summary click here. Any Annual Returns listed below were submitted when this charity was a single entity.

Officer Details


Officer Name Position Effective Date
Mark Baden Crofskey Trustee 26/10/2022
Melanie Joy Baker Trustee 26/10/2022
Waimarama Taumaunu Trustee 23/11/2020
Guy Meredith Te Puka Waipara Board Chair 5/12/2018
Mark Morrison Dunwoodie Trustee 17/10/2017
Glenda Hughes Trustee 28/02/2011
Julie Clare Helson Trustee 10/04/2007

Past Officers

Officer Name Position Past Since
William Norman Birnie Chairman 14/12/2021
Kenneth Hampton Trustee 21/12/2020
John Douglas Kensington Trustee 3/08/2017
William Birnie Chairman 27/07/2017
Hayley Emma Thow Trustee 31/07/2011
Richard John Simon Shera Trustee 28/02/2011
Amanda Suzanne Hotchin Trustee 1/02/2011
Craig John Forbes Trustee 31/12/2010
Carl David Sunderland Trustee 15/04/2010

Charity Updates

Here is a list of all the details changed by the charity, for example adding or removing officers, amending rules, changing balance dates or updating address details.
Date Created Reference View Summary (.pdf <1MB)
15/11/2022 NOC026
8/06/2022 NOC022
2/02/2021 NOC020
8/11/2017 NOC016
28/06/2013 AR008
28/06/2013 AR007
10/05/2012 NOC009
3/08/2011 NOC008
8/03/2011 NOC007
11/01/2011 NOC006
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