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Charity Summary

Charity Details

Well Women and Family Trust

Registration details

December 31

Name change history

Name Effective Date
WONS : Nursing, Education and Health promotion services 23/02/2007
Well Women and Family Trust 1/01/2012

Address for service

PO Box 41021
Mount Roskill
Flat 14 Ground
49 Sainsbury Road
Mount Albert

Charity's other details


Organisation with a focus on the following communities:


Purpose & Structure

Charitable Purpose

Well Women and Family Trust is a Not for Profit Charitable Trust founded 28 years ago in response to the Cartwright Enquiry. The vision was then, and still is to improve access to Cervical and Breast Screening, HPV Vaccination and Contraception including LARC. Our organisation achieves this vision by providing community and mobile services (6 clinics per week) across the Auckland region. Our focus is to remove the multitude of barriers that women face in accessing screening services. Another core component of our organsiation is the provision of NZQA and NSU approved Cervical Smear Taker Training. Well Women and Family Trust holds contracts with the Ministry of Health to provide Support to Screening Services. We also rely on grants to assist us to provide other health promotion and community initiatives.

Note: The main sectors, activities and beneficiaries are bolded.

Provides services (e.g. care / counselling)

Sponsors / undertakes research, Provides advice / information / advocacy


Education / training / research, Community development

General public

People with disabilities, People of a certain ethnic / racial origin, Family / whanau, Migrants / refugees, Health Professionals

Entity Structure

The Trust is administered by a Board of Trustees under a Trust Deed. The Board is currently comprised of three Trustees. The Board sets the strategic direction of the Trust, and employs staff to implement this strategy on an operational level. The Clinical Lead and Practice Manager will work in a complementary fashion whose focus will be on the operational aspect of the Trust's work. The Trust also employs ten permanent staff in order to run its operation.

Annual Returns

Annual Returns are due within 6 months of a charity’s balance date (financial year-end), or a longer period if an extension has been granted.

For Year Ended Due Date Date Submitted Total Income Total Expenditure Financial Statements Annual Return Summary
31/12/2024 30/06/2025 - - - To be filed To be filed
31/12/2023 30/06/2024 25/06/2024 $1,107,985 $848,879 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2022 30/06/2023 9/06/2023 $980,678 $750,165 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2021 30/06/2022 27/06/2022 $786,933 $738,894 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2020 30/06/2021 25/05/2021 $723,003 $672,540 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2019 30/06/2020 30/06/2020 $751,061 $737,350 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2018 30/06/2019 11/06/2019 $758,482 $758,646 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2017 30/06/2018 29/05/2018 $750,804 $669,926 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2016 30/06/2017 30/05/2017 $581,748 $590,472 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2015 30/06/2016 27/06/2016 $678,980 $635,285 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
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Officer Details


Officer Name Position Effective Date
Saman Moeed Trustee 30/10/2019

Past Officers

Officer Name Position Past Since
Marea Topp Trustee 7/06/2024
Jane Piper General Manager/Trustee 21/07/2022
Rebecca Morris Trustee 18/05/2022
Monique Fredatovich Trustee 29/11/2019
Tim Lainson Trustee 14/11/2018
Margaret Ruth Davy Trustee 2/07/2018
Anne Maria Fitisemanu Trustee 23/07/2013
Tim Lainson Trustee 1/06/2013
Hinurewa Te Hau Trustee 29/02/2012
Colin Brian Wilson Trustee 30/11/2009

Charity Updates

Here is a list of all the details changed by the charity, for example adding or removing officers, amending rules, changing balance dates or updating address details.
Date Created Reference View Summary (.pdf <1MB)
27/07/2022 NOC023
9/06/2020 NOC019
5/12/2019 NOC018
5/12/2019 NOC017
7/02/2019 NOC015
31/07/2018 NOC014
10/06/2014 NOC011
10/06/2014 NOC010
19/06/2012 NOC006
13/04/2012 NOC005
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Charity Documents

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