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Charity Summary

Charity Details

Lam Charitable Trust
NZ LAM Charitable Trust

Registration details

June 30

Address for service

8 Paget Street
Freemans Bay

Charity's other details

09 376 4936

Organisation with a focus on the following communities:


Purpose & Structure

Charitable Purpose

Raise Funds to Support Scientific Research into LAM Support patients Educate Medical and Lay Communities

Note: The main sectors, activities and beneficiaries are bolded.

Sponsors / undertakes research

Makes grants / loans to individuals, Makes grants to organisations (including schools or other charities), Acts as an umbrella / resource body, Provides services (e.g. care / counselling), Provides advice / information / advocacy, Fundraising for scientific research/women who suffer from rare lung disease: support


Education / training / research, Fund-raising, People with disabilities

Other (please state)

(Women who suffer from rare Lung Disease)

Legal Structure

Charitable Trusts incorporated under the Charitable Trusts Act

Annual Returns

Annual Returns are due within 6 months of a charity’s balance date (financial year-end), or a longer period if an extension has been granted.


This charity has been granted an exemption from filing an annual return by 31 December 2008 under Section 43 of the Charities Act 2005. The first annual return is due by 31 December 2009.

For Year Ended Due Date Date Submitted Total Income Total Expenditure Financial Statements Annual Return Summary
30/06/2024 31/12/2024 14/12/2024 $5,080 $10,000 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
30/06/2023 31/12/2023 19/12/2023 $115 $14,000 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
30/06/2022 31/12/2022 9/01/2023 $276 $574 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
30/06/2021 31/12/2021 22/02/2022 $613 $18,051 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
30/06/2020 31/12/2020 13/12/2020 $14,720 $21,936 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
30/06/2019 31/12/2019 9/10/2019 $46,064 $37,653 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
30/06/2018 31/12/2018 14/12/2018 $24,623 $26,108 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
30/06/2017 31/12/2017 18/12/2017 $10,113 $0 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
30/06/2016 31/12/2016 12/01/2017 $14,530 $33,506 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
30/06/2015 31/12/2015 26/11/2015 $39,644 $57,684 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
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Officer Details


Officer Name Position Effective Date
Jill Nancy Pierce Trustee 9/10/2017
Lesley Ann Aldridge Trustee 10/10/2016
Janet Anne Barrett Trustee 13/10/2008
Bronwyn Gray Chairperson 7/08/2007
Christine Forster Trustee 7/08/2007
Dr Hetty Rodenburg Trustee 7/08/2007
Jennifer Shieff Trustee 7/08/2007
Sandrine Anderson Trustee 7/08/2007

Past Officers

Officer Name Position Past Since
John Gianoutsos Treasurer 17/11/2024
Wally Hirsh Trustee 4/11/2019
Dinah Morrison Trustee 11/11/2013
Carol Hirschfield Trustee 4/11/2013
Adina Halpern Trustee 13/10/2008

Charity Updates

Here is a list of all the details changed by the charity, for example adding or removing officers, amending rules, changing balance dates or updating address details.
Date Created Reference View Summary (.pdf <1MB)
10/01/2014 NOC006
26/03/2012 AR005
5/01/2011 AR004
7/01/2010 AR003
5/01/2009 AR002

Charity Documents

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