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Charity Summary

Charity Details

Nelson Symphony Orchestra Incorporated

Registration details

December 31

Address for service

48 Nile Street

Charity's other details

Organisation with a focus on the following communities:


Purpose & Structure

Charitable Purpose

Our purpose is to provide high quality classical orchestral concerts for a wide range of music lovers and age groups in the local communities; to encourage the study, practice & performance of music and to promote the interests of musicians and other artists, both collectively and as individuals

Note: The main sectors, activities and beneficiaries are bolded.

Other (please state)

(to give 4 concerts annually)

Arts / culture / heritage

Fund-raising, Arts/ Music Symphony Concerts

General public

Children / young people, and young people

Entity Structure

The Nelson Symphony Orchestra has a base membership of approximately 30 members and engages visiting conductors, soloists, a concertmaster & a lower strings leader to lead its concerts. The orchestra is run by an elected Committee, drawn from its playing members, who make decisions on behalf of the orchestra. We have a Friends support group. There is a part-time (approx 7&1/2 hours per week) community music manager partly funded by the orchestra to assist with organisational matters

Annual Returns

Annual Returns are due within 6 months of a charity’s balance date (financial year-end), or a longer period if an extension has been granted.

For Year Ended Due Date Date Submitted Total Income Total Expenditure Financial Statements Annual Return Summary
31/12/2024 30/06/2025 - - - To be filed To be filed
31/12/2023 30/06/2024 19/03/2024 $68,495 $61,486 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2022 30/06/2023 3/04/2023 $28,035 $47,169 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2021 30/06/2022 1/06/2022 $31,414 $27,443 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2020 30/06/2021 14/06/2021 $30,366 $21,154 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2019 31/08/2020 23/02/2021 $58,650 $62,483 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2018 30/06/2019 23/02/2020 $57,427 $55,243 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2017 30/09/2018 11/10/2018 $42,354 $45,074 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2016 30/06/2017 25/06/2017 $49,451 $41,481 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/12/2015 30/06/2016 16/05/2016 $43,257 $46,833 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
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Officer Details


Officer Name Position Effective Date
Freya Davison Secretary 4/04/2023
David North Chair 8/03/2023
Jan-Ulf Kuwilsky Committee Member 8/03/2023
Reymond Takashima Treasurer 8/03/2023
James Donaldson Committee Member 3/03/2020

Past Officers

Officer Name Position Past Since
John Rimmer Secretary 8/03/2023
Selwyn Raymond Colwell Light Chair Person 8/03/2023
Lucy Thomsen Treasurer 6/01/2021
Robin Sanders Committee Member 5/08/2020
Angela Kay Radcliffe Minutes Secretary 20/03/2019
Neil Kenny Chairman 20/03/2019
Peter Robin Chegwidden Radcliffe Contracts & Compliance Manager 20/03/2019
James West Committee Member 22/08/2018
Annabelle Laing Committee Member 11/04/2018
Christine Foote Committee Member 11/04/2018
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Charity Updates

Here is a list of all the details changed by the charity, for example adding or removing officers, amending rules, changing balance dates or updating address details.
Date Created Reference View Summary (.pdf <1MB)
5/08/2024 NOC027
9/12/2022 NOC023
3/03/2020 NOC019
21/08/2018 NOC016
21/05/2017 NOC013
12/06/2016 NOC012
12/06/2016 NOC011
17/05/2016 NOC010
22/06/2015 NOC009
30/06/2014 NOC008
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Charity Documents

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