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Charity Summary

Charity Details

Auckland Theatre Company Limited

Registration details

December 31

Address for service

PO Box 96002
487 Dominion Road
Mount Eden

Charity's other details


Organisation with a focus on the following communities:


Group Members

Below are all the members of The Auckland Theatre Group. Click into the individual members below to view their charity summary.

Member Charities
Auckland Theatre Company Limited
The Theatre Foundation

Purpose & Structure

Charitable Purpose

Auckland Theatre Company collaborates with professional artists and practitioners to create vital theatre experiences which enrich the lives of New Zealand audiences.

Note: The main sectors, activities and beneficiaries are bolded.

Other (please state)

(Promotes Performance), Sponsors / undertakes research, Acts as an umbrella / resource body, Provides advice / information / advocacy

Arts / culture / heritage

Education / training / research, Community development, Fund-raising

General public

Children / young people, Other charities

Legal Structure


Annual Returns

Annual Returns are due within 6 months of a charity’s balance date (financial year-end), or a longer period if an extension has been granted.

Please note: This charity is a member of a Group which submits Consolidated Annual Returns. To view these Annual Returns on the Group Summary click here. Any Annual Returns listed below were submitted when this charity was a single entity.

Officer Details


Officer Name Position Effective Date
Bronwyn Ann Bradley Board Member 14/04/2023
Nathan Joe Board Member 14/04/2023
Jonathan Bielski Chief Executive Officer 22/07/2019
Graeme Ross Pinfold Board Member 16/05/2018
Katie Rebecca Jacobs Board Member 3/11/2017
Vivien Anna Bridgwater Board Member 9/06/2017
Timothy John MacAvoy Trustee/Officer 16/10/2015
Isaac Hikaka Director/Trustee 10/06/2015
Derek McCormack Board Member 27/11/2013
Patricia Ann Watson Trustee / Officer 31/07/2007
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Past Officers

Officer Name Position Past Since
Karen Theresa Fistonich Board Member 31/12/2023
Alison Quigan Board Member 8/02/2022
Nicholas James De Bortali Tregerthan Senior Accountant 1/01/2022
Jonathan Bielski Chief Executive 1/05/2019
Jonathan Bielski Board Member 15/01/2019
Lester Vivian McGrath Chief Executive 11/01/2019
Scott Kerse Trustee/Board Member 6/12/2018
Ross Edward Green Board Member 5/12/2017
Kerry Raymond Tomlin Finance Officer 13/10/2017
Ann Hinton Trustee/Board Member 5/02/2015
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Charity Updates

Here is a list of all the details changed by the charity, for example adding or removing officers, amending rules, changing balance dates or updating address details.
Date Created Reference View Summary (.pdf <1MB)
1/07/2024 NOC026
23/06/2023 NOC025
1/05/2023 NOC024
21/04/2023 NOC023
21/04/2023 NOC022
2/12/2022 NOC020
12/06/2022 NOC019
12/06/2022 NOC018
26/08/2020 NOC017
26/08/2020 NOC016
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Charity Documents

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