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Charity Summary

Charity Details

Vector Group Charitable Trust (Envisioning Sustainable Communities Creatively)
Te Puke Youth and Community Centre

Registration details

March 31

Name change history

Name Effective Date
Vector Group Holdings Inc 5/01/2011
Vector Group Charitable Trust (Envisioning Sustainable Communities Creatively) 30/06/2017

Address for service

36 Clydesburn Avenue
Te Puke

Charity's other details


Organisation with a focus on the following communities:


Purpose & Structure

Charitable Purpose

Vector Group Charitable Trust supports Taiohi and Community led engagement and development. Our work is guided by our kaupapa and principles. Our kaupapa: Mō te oranga o ngā taiohi me ngā kaitiaki e mahi ana mō rātou. For the wellbeing of taiohi and the people who support them. Our values: • Kaitautoko kaiārahi/support and lead at the same time • Inclusive/embracing diversity • Responsive/evolving with the sector Vision: A community where diversity is celebrated, and every person feels included. Mission: To create opportunities for healthy connections and self-expression. To support people who work with young people, and thereby enhance youth engagement and development and creatives so that young people thrive. Strategic Programmes and Services: 1. Youth Development and Engagement 2. Community Activities and Engagement 3. Information Sharing 4. Supporting “Shared-Identity” Communities 5. Creative Projects that Enable Self-Expression

Note: The main sectors, activities and beneficiaries are bolded.

Acts as an umbrella / resource body

Makes grants / loans to individuals, Sponsors / undertakes research, Provides services (e.g. care / counselling), Provides advice / information / advocacy, Provides human resources (e.g. staff / volunteers), Provides buildings / facilities / open space, Provides religious services / activities

Community development

Accommodation / housing, Education / training / research, Social services, Employment, Religious activities, Fund-raising, Promotion of volunteering

Family / whanau

Children / young people, Other charities, Voluntary bodies other than charities, Religious groups

Entity Structure

The Trust is governed by a Board of Trustees (no less than 2, no more than 5).  The Board elects from among itself a Chairperson.  A Secretary and Treasurer are appointed from among the Board or from non-Trust members. VGCT also operates alongside a discussion/strategy panel of between 5-13 youth and community members.

Annual Returns

Annual Returns are due within 6 months of a charity’s balance date (financial year-end), or a longer period if an extension has been granted.

For Year Ended Due Date Date Submitted Total Income Total Expenditure Financial Statements Annual Return Summary
31/03/2024 30/09/2024 9/10/2024 $106,579 $112,474 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/03/2023 30/11/2023 30/11/2023 $125,444 $157,850 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/03/2022 30/09/2022 9/02/2023 $83,321 $95,589 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/03/2021 30/11/2021 2/12/2021 $127,747 $81,130 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/03/2020 30/09/2020 25/11/2020 $84,496 $75,910 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/03/2019 30/09/2019 11/11/2019 $81,190 $75,342 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/03/2018 30/09/2018 12/07/2019 $42,327 $44,453 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/03/2017 30/09/2017 17/07/2019 $10,001 $6,459 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/03/2016 30/09/2016 26/11/2017 $0 $0 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
31/03/2015 30/09/2015 13/12/2016 $0 $0 load annual return's financial documents spinner gif
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Officer Details


Officer Name Position Effective Date
Les White Trustee 1/04/2019
Tracey Anne Fawcett Trustee 10/10/2012
Steve Fawcett Trustee 5/01/2011

Past Officers

Officer Name Position Past Since
Isaac Gunson Trustee 3/04/2023
Parminder Kaur Trustee 3/04/2023
Geekiyanage Ayoma Subashini Fernando Trustee 30/04/2019
Dahl Gurdit-Singh Trustee 27/04/2017
Pauline Jacobs Trustee 10/10/2012

Charity Updates

Here is a list of all the details changed by the charity, for example adding or removing officers, amending rules, changing balance dates or updating address details.
Date Created Reference View Summary (.pdf <1MB)
3/04/2023 NOC019
27/02/2017 NOC008
27/02/2017 NOC007
31/01/2017 NOC006
13/12/2016 NOC005
7/11/2015 NOC004
23/10/2013 AR002
10/04/2013 NOC001
16/10/2012 AR001

Charity Documents

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